Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Leanne Aldridge's Dioarma

Polluted Beaches
Today, all around the world, we are facing an increasing g problem of our beaches becoming polluted. Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. Our harmful substances are killing birds, fish, whales, sharks, turtles, and other endangered species who reside in the ocean. Beaches are often polluted with trash, sewage waste, oil, and other chemicals. These pollutants are not just harming animals, they are also damaging the populations health. Last year in Orange County, CA alone, the estimated cost to the public for swimming in polluted costal waters was $3.3 million dollars.
If everyone could do their part and volunteer to keep our coastal beaches clean, we could decrease the number of animals that are dying every due to pollution,. We could also decrease the money spent to pay medical bills. There are many organizations such as Surfers Against Sewage and NRDC that you can join to help make our beaches more safe and clean.

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