Thursday, February 8, 2007

Chapter 13 Quiz

1. Who did the Greeks believe to be the center of the universe?
2. What are the three styles of Greek architecture?
doric, ionic, corinthian
3. Which Greek sculptors are considered to be the most important of the late classical period?
Praxitiles and Lysippos
4. In sculpture, what is it called when the weight is switched from the right foot to the left?
The S curve
5. Who was Pericles?
He was a greek who started a massive campaign to rebuild ancient shrines
6. Who did Pericles commision to create sculptures for the Parthenon?
7. Name two major achievments in Roman architecture.
The colosseum and aquaducts
8. For what are the Etruscans noted?
cinerary urns and sarcophogi
9. What is a cinerary urn?
a vessel used to keep the ashes of the cremated dead
10. The Republican period consisted of two parties, who were they?
Patricians, and Pleabians

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