Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Group Body Sculpture

McDonald's "I'm Loving It"

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What I Think Art Is-Samantha Sticher

I think art is a form of self expression through creative means, such as; poetry, sculptures, painting, music, and dance.

Monday, January 22, 2007

What I think Art is- Tony Garcia

Art is an expression or interpretation of a person's feelings about themselves or the world around them. It exists in many forms; painting, sculpture, photogrophy, architecure, etc.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What I Think Art Is- Kacie Crider

I believe that art is something that individualizes one person from another. I kind of see art as someones talent whether it is sports, dancing, singing, cooking, or acting; all of these are some form of art. I also believe that art is a good way to express oneself.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

What I think art is- Orren Jones

Art is anything that a person creates to express him or herself. It can be music, a sculpture, a photo, a painting, or drawing, etc. Art is whatever the person trying to express themself wants it to be.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What I think art is- Leanne Aldridge

Art is a way of expressing yourself. Art is very diverse because there are so many different forms of art that people could use to express their feelings. There is also many different ways to interpret someone's art form because you never really know what the artist had intended. Art could be anything from a circle drawn on a piece of paper to a painting of watercolors or a 20 floor building made from a great architect. Art connects the world because it is in all cultures whether it is a country's flag or a picture of a city skyline. Different forms exist around the world which makes each piece unique.

What i think art is- Christina Barlow

I believe that art is a way for everyone to express themselves. Sculpting, painting, music, dancing and more are all forms of art that many people can do to show different emotion and feeling. Many people, including myself, use art to vent their emotions. I feel it should be stressed more in schools so instead of people breaking things and/or vandalizing things they will be shown how to vent in a more productive way. Though most don't think it art is very important to our society.