Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Leanne's Self Portrait

This picture is one found in my dorm room. This is my self portrait because it consists of many things that are dear to me. I have photos of all my friends and family, coffee mug because I love to drink coffee, a certificate for initiating into my sorority, notes of things to do, candles, a wine glass, and notes written to me by my friends. My friends and family mean everything to me, my sorority, Phi Mu, is what I've been involved in while at school, I have to do lists because I'm unorganized, a wine glass because I love White Zinfandel, and my notes from my friends keep a smile on my face. I could have put something together but I figured that I would show something that represents me as I have them and see them everyday...

Orren Jones' self-portrait

This is a shattered self-portrait that I did combining my mom's favorite baby picture of me and my senior picture. My very close friends will tell you that, even though I can be mature and serious when I need to be, I have a tendency to have a unique view on life and the circumstances that arise from it. I can normally find humor and a positive side to just about anything. I still have a little bit of a kid in me.

Samantha's sunset

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Charles' self portrait

For my self portrait I decided to paint something very simple. I wrote in Greek the words, Where of death is the conquest, where o death is your sting? (its from the bible). The skull represents death but the leaves represent life and the red represenst either blood or passion, take it whichever way you wish. A little side note though........this is probably the worst painting ive ever done.

Kacie Crider-Self Portrait

For my self portrait all i did was take a picture of the things and people i care about the most and a couple of things i enjoy doing. My puppy on the left is a little trouble maker but i still love him anyways. I have a few pictures of my family, my two sisters, my dad, and my mom. I have a bathing suite top because i enjoy swimming and laying out. There's a girls night out money jar because i try to go out every chance i get-i love to dance. Finally there's softball. I play for west georgia. Softball is pretty much my life right now because we're in season so there's not much time left to do anything else but school...that's the most of me anyways.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Charles Garcia- Graffiti Project

I believe that Graffiti is art. No matter how you look at it. No matter how illegal or offensive, graffiti is art.

Samantha's Graffiti Project

I believe that graffiti is art. By definition art is that which is made with the intention of stimulating the human senses as well as the human mind and or spirit. It is a form self expression and creativity. Many Graffiti artist do not just paint a wall to go againist the law but to send a message to society. Just because society does not see graffiti as "acceptable" does not mean that it is not art. Yes graffiti does cause contriversy put so did Picasso's Guernia. Also graffiti uses many of the art principles and elements.

this is Samantha

Sunday, April 15, 2007

This is ME!

This is ME. The words are all the things I am in different peoples lives.

kacie crider-sunset home sweet home!

Orren Jones- Graffiiti

These are two pieces of graffiti thatI found in Newnan. I feel that graffiti is art because the person who does it is in some way expressing themselves. Also, they use many elements and priciples of art such as line, shape, and value which are very visible in these two peices.

Orren Jones

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Photography Project by Group 7!

As a group we decided to use "Sunsets" as our photography project theme. Since we were all going on Spring Break sunsets was a perfect idea. Everyone will post their sunset picture on this blog! Hope you like it!

this picture by: Leanne Aldridge

Leanne's Spoken Word Project

Spoken Word Presentation by Leanne Aldridge:
GA Tech
Miss him
Godiva chocolates
Work truck
Left when I was two

21 years old
respiratory school?
Phi Mu
Only child
Love swimming

an honor
gets better
in stages
can be taken away at anytime
can change
isn’t always fair
get older
gets taken advantaged of

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Frank Lloyd Wright quiz

1.) Frank Lloyd Wright was a famous:
a. Painter
b. Sculptor
c. Architecht
2.) The first style of architecture that Wright used:
a. Prairie
b. Gothic
c. Impressionism
3.) Wright's most famous design:
a. St. Peter's
b. Fallingwater
c. The Sistine Chapel
4.) What part of nature was Fallingwater designed around?
a. Stream and waterfall
b. Flowers
c. Lake
5.) What art museum in New York did Wright design?
a. Guggenheim
b. The High
c. Tiffany's

Friday, February 9, 2007

Diarama- Orren Jones

In today’s world, we are trained to believe that every girl or woman should look like a Barbie doll. Celebrities and models are all rail thin and “perfect”. Magazines and TV show women that seem to be perfect, but they fail to tell you about things such as airbrushing and eating disorders. This pressure and the idea that skinny shapeless bodies are beautiful leads to poor self-esteem in girls that don’t have Victoria’s Secret model bodies and even in celebrities themselves.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Chapter 13 Quiz

1. Who did the Greeks believe to be the center of the universe?
2. What are the three styles of Greek architecture?
doric, ionic, corinthian
3. Which Greek sculptors are considered to be the most important of the late classical period?
Praxitiles and Lysippos
4. In sculpture, what is it called when the weight is switched from the right foot to the left?
The S curve
5. Who was Pericles?
He was a greek who started a massive campaign to rebuild ancient shrines
6. Who did Pericles commision to create sculptures for the Parthenon?
7. Name two major achievments in Roman architecture.
The colosseum and aquaducts
8. For what are the Etruscans noted?
cinerary urns and sarcophogi
9. What is a cinerary urn?
a vessel used to keep the ashes of the cremated dead
10. The Republican period consisted of two parties, who were they?
Patricians, and Pleabians

Tony's Diorama

I have illustrated in this diorama the issue of illegal immigration. Though I am not using this work to take a stand for or against this issue it continues to be a constant debate in our country. I used Legos to create a three dimensional image of immigrants jumping the border. The background drawing is my own adaptation of Diego Rivera's mural "The Agitator", which he painted at the University of Chapingo, Mexico. I chose this work because of Rivera's reknown as a mexican folk artist and his depictions of the mexican working class.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Leanne Aldridge's Graffiti Pics!!

Is Grafiti Art?

The three pictures shown here were taken next to the Varsity in downtown Atlanta. When looking at these pictures I say to myself " I could never create something like that," which in a way makes it art to me. Every person has their own style which makes each piece unique. These pictures are flat because it does not look like the words are coming off the wall. All the different colors blend together well, making the letters come together. Even though I do not know what these pictures mean or say, I feel that it is art becasue of the unique style...

Leanne Aldridge's Dioarma

Polluted Beaches
Today, all around the world, we are facing an increasing g problem of our beaches becoming polluted. Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. Our harmful substances are killing birds, fish, whales, sharks, turtles, and other endangered species who reside in the ocean. Beaches are often polluted with trash, sewage waste, oil, and other chemicals. These pollutants are not just harming animals, they are also damaging the populations health. Last year in Orange County, CA alone, the estimated cost to the public for swimming in polluted costal waters was $3.3 million dollars.
If everyone could do their part and volunteer to keep our coastal beaches clean, we could decrease the number of animals that are dying every due to pollution,. We could also decrease the money spent to pay medical bills. There are many organizations such as Surfers Against Sewage and NRDC that you can join to help make our beaches more safe and clean.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Samantha Sticher's Diorama

Oil is the “life blood” of the United States. I believe that we are no longer fighting a war on terrorism, but are fighting a war for oil. Our initial purpose for being in Iraq was to take Saddam Hussein out of power. We have accomplished this goal so why are we still there? We are still there to establish a democratic form of government in which we, the U.S., will have a say in or can influence.

Kacie Crider's Diorama- Softball Eliminated from Olympics
Softball has been in the Olympics since 1996. Now it's being taken out of the Olympics and being replaced with another sport. Now the dreams of softball players who wanted to be part of the Olympic softball team are squashed. They will never have the chance now.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Christina Barlow's Diarama

The topic i chose is Breed Specific Legislation. Also known as B.S.L. This is a law that is trying to be passed against Pit bull terriers. This is something I am very passionate about due to the fact i do own my very own pit bull. I don't agree to the government choosing the types of dogs we can and can't have. In my Diorama i have multiple picture of pit bulls under a dog house like structure. I also have a puppy that looks like it has pooped on the BSL document. BAN THE DEED, NOT THE BREED.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Group Body Sculpture

McDonald's "I'm Loving It"

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What I Think Art Is-Samantha Sticher

I think art is a form of self expression through creative means, such as; poetry, sculptures, painting, music, and dance.

Monday, January 22, 2007

What I think Art is- Tony Garcia

Art is an expression or interpretation of a person's feelings about themselves or the world around them. It exists in many forms; painting, sculpture, photogrophy, architecure, etc.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What I Think Art Is- Kacie Crider

I believe that art is something that individualizes one person from another. I kind of see art as someones talent whether it is sports, dancing, singing, cooking, or acting; all of these are some form of art. I also believe that art is a good way to express oneself.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

What I think art is- Orren Jones

Art is anything that a person creates to express him or herself. It can be music, a sculpture, a photo, a painting, or drawing, etc. Art is whatever the person trying to express themself wants it to be.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What I think art is- Leanne Aldridge

Art is a way of expressing yourself. Art is very diverse because there are so many different forms of art that people could use to express their feelings. There is also many different ways to interpret someone's art form because you never really know what the artist had intended. Art could be anything from a circle drawn on a piece of paper to a painting of watercolors or a 20 floor building made from a great architect. Art connects the world because it is in all cultures whether it is a country's flag or a picture of a city skyline. Different forms exist around the world which makes each piece unique.

What i think art is- Christina Barlow

I believe that art is a way for everyone to express themselves. Sculpting, painting, music, dancing and more are all forms of art that many people can do to show different emotion and feeling. Many people, including myself, use art to vent their emotions. I feel it should be stressed more in schools so instead of people breaking things and/or vandalizing things they will be shown how to vent in a more productive way. Though most don't think it art is very important to our society.